Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inequality by Design

            This article looked at the role of policy choices in constructing inequality.   It brought up several policies which I would have never thought facilitated inequality until reading about them, such as subsidizing homeownership for the middle and wealthy classes.  Systems such as these help the people who have more money (and who, as a result, probably do not even need as much help) rather than the ones who have less.  In some cases, it seems as though in order to get a loan, one needs to have money.  This essentially means that those who really need a loan since they are without money will not be granted one.
            While reading this article, I couldn’t help but think that the government’s role in preventing same-sex marriages was establishing and facilitating the growth of inequality in America.  By not establishing policies which allow same-sex couples to marry, the government is directly causing, and even promoting, social inequalities.  It seems to me that in order for the government to produce a better society as a whole (less health care issues, educational problems, and so forth), the government needs to learn to be more aware of the policies it passes and prevent those that could hinder social equality from developing from being passed and put into action.    

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