Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Holding up a Mirror to a Classless Society

Ray Suarez’s article proves to be very interesting and thought provoking as it describes how powerful media outlets are both influencing and shaping society’s perspectives on various issues ranging from poverty to social class to race. Suarez talks about how members of the middle and upper class are sought after for “expert” opinions in news events while members of the lower classes are brushed off due to low levels of education and poverty. However, who better to give an accurate portrayal of the difficulties and crimes faced by members in low class neighborhoods than those who actually live there? Media outlets are very powerful in shaping society perspectives as they control what the public sees and how stories are presented. Those who are wealthy or in positions of power have the control to successfully manipulate society’s perceptions on a given subject while those in lower classes are subject to media and the rich’s portrayal of their world. It is unfortunate to know that the media continues the cycle of inequality through misrepresentation of race and social groups through selectively showing the masses what the deem is fit. The title of the article proves to be highly ironic because the United States is known for it’s massive gap between the wealthy and poor, men and women, and members of various races. The United States is riddled with inequality across 50 states and the media should be proactive in representing the opinions of members of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds as well as depicting the truth.

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